Thursday, July 9, 2015

Music in 2015

        Where is music at culturally wise this year, as far as America? I think it's interesting how much bad is on American radio today and how it is not addressed at all? Easier than ever kids are subjected to words and slang that should not be in their understanding whatsoever. I find it very interesting that parents don't look into it as much. For instance, I showed my aunt a video on why Beyonce was related to a Satanic worshiping lifestyle but it didn't change her parental choice of letting her 10 year old daughter listen to her daily. I think it is bad to let these celebrities get integrated into the American culture just because of their appeal on a screen. Look at Rhianna and Nicki Minaj for example on how two Internationally popular artists can be from small islands from nothing. Sounds a little fishy to me, I think it is wrong to think these girls got to their position with just their singing ability. The sad thing is, most of the population is brainwashed into thinking that what they are hearing is OK and should be accepted because it's accepted by everyone else. I also want to note that no political power whatsoever has tried to take these Satan linked artists off our radios so our kids aren't brainwashed and we have somewhat of a grasp on the future. Remember if there is a Devil there is also a God. God is always with you no matter what and can give you the knowledge to know the type of music that is being used to change the masses but can overcome it with his strength. It is now no secret there is a "New World Order" future afloat, but another blog post on that later ;) Thanks for reading guys, I really enjoyed writing this one.


  1. Taylor,
    I completely agree that music has helped deteriorate the moral fabric of our society. A couple nights ago I was playing volleyball at my church's gym with some kids from a local high school. They were playing music that I'd heard before, but since it was in a church building, I was more aware of the words. I heard countless F bombs, and heard the C word used several times. Not that music is the only culprit, as movies and the lives of athletes play a large role in sculpting the minds of young people. But music has regressed to a point where it seems the majority of kids listen to only the filth. Anyway, like you, I have pretty strong opinions on this kind of stuff. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Taylor,
    I really enjoyed reading this one. I will have to be careful because I am quite passionate about this subject myself. You and Kristian both make good points.It floors me what parents will allow their young children to listen to, watch, or play. I have always been an extremely picky mother, and refused to let my kids do certain things. I do not listen to a lot of secular music because I the words run through my mind when I do not even realize it. I find it interesting that I know who the artists you mentioned above are, simply because of the controversy surrounding them in the news. How sad is that? I think it is awesome that you are both will speak out on this so strongly. Great job.

  3. Taylor,
    I really enjoyed reading this one. I will have to be careful because I am quite passionate about this subject myself. You and Kristian both make good points.It floors me what parents will allow their young children to listen to, watch, or play. I have always been an extremely picky mother, and refused to let my kids do certain things. I do not listen to a lot of secular music because I the words run through my mind when I do not even realize it. I find it interesting that I know who the artists you mentioned above are, simply because of the controversy surrounding them in the news. How sad is that? I think it is awesome that you are both will speak out on this so strongly. Great job.
