Sunday, July 12, 2015

Illuminati Continued

           If you haven't read my first blog post about my thoughts on the Illuminati, I reccommend reading it first. If you didn't like it, I also advise you not to read this post, as it's a continuation of my first post. First I would like to explain more of what I see the New World Order as. I believe it was established to be three different steps to force the world into a totalitarian one world government. The steps had to be huge world events that would effect most all of the world, so that the whole world would get used to the idea of being all together one government in the future. The first step was World War I, bringing down the Russian government and introduced various necesarry country allies and rivals. The second step was World War II, where Germany and most of Europe were colonized more and the idea of unity was even further spread. Many people think that World War III is the next thing coming to finalize the needed shifting of the world to complete the NWO. In my opinion, no one really knows so why even spend time trying to figure it out? I try not to think about it, but like I said in my last Illuminati post, I find it very interesting. Could WWIII potentially be fought in America with America being the key country targeted to fall just like every other great empire in history? More importantly, what would a WWIII fought on American soil look like? These are potential real issues that could effect you sooner than you migh think. Don't be naive to think America will never see another invasion, but again don't stress over it. There's nothing we can personally do, except spread the knowledge to others who don't know so there is a decent warning. I want to stress I write from God's side of this issue. I believe that before any end of the world happens, God will come back and bring all the ones who believed in him with him to leave the rest to face the Devil's plan. What do you guys think? I'd like to hear contradicting views, I by no way will be offended! Have a great day!


  1. I really appreciated your thoughts in your post. You have made me want to look into this mysterious group. I have heard theories on the Illuminati, but your post makes me want to prepare. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I really appreciated your thoughts in your post. You have made me want to look into this mysterious group. I have heard theories on the Illuminati, but your post makes me want to prepare. Thanks for sharing.

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